Вс. Сен 29th, 2024

Significant markers: “Prince Harry” spotted “working” at Met Gala-2024

I wouldn’t be surprised if someone was heartily trolling the Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan Markle, who over the past four years has grown tired of coming up with reasons why she can’t attend the biggest social event of the year in the U.S. — the Met Gala charity ball in New York, where socialites and showbiz stars shine in the most elaborate outfits.

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Or maybe Meghan’s money is too tight? Last year the invitation ticket to the Met Gala cost 50 thousand dollars — it is a charitable contribution from the participants — guests of the ball.

She’s probably not invited, though. A very plausible version: because of the Prince and Princess of Wales. The link to the text about it, as well as to the video with the most interesting Met Gala-2024 outfits in my Telegram channel — below.

The 2024 Ball was held for the 76th time and was as lavish as ever, but some of those who watched the video or photos were amazed to see a red-haired man at the Met Gala who resembled Prince Harry to the point of confusion.

An unknown gentleman in a dapper tuxedo performed a very difficult task: he worked in the central photo zone on the red carpet (in fact, at this ball it is green), helping the arriving ladies to neatly straighten the plumes of dresses or the folds of skirts for the traditional photo shoot.

Many were simply stunned by the resemblance:

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Of course, it was just a man who looked a lot like Prince Harry. But something tells me someone decided to make a fat joke…. Harry correcting the plume of J. Lo’s dress, who, as the media once reported, is ready to join the queue of other Hollywood celebrities to get the right to have tea with the Duchess of Sussex — that’s whip-smart. It’s a slap in the face.)

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The video is here:

About how the Prince and Princess of Wales have been preventing Meghan Markle from being a Met Gala guest for years now, here:

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